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My Blog

Once you become fearless, you become limitless.

Clarity ….

Clarity… You have to love it. You go through life thinking you’ve got a pretty good handle on your life, or, much of it anyway. You’ve got a positive attitude. You consider yourself relatively happy and healthy. Then, as the universe will make very clear to you in her little snarky benevolent way sometimes, “No,…

Thanksgiving in Georgia

  For Thanksgiving this year, I visited my son, Brendon in Georgia.  In the past Brendon has returned home to California for Christmas. Unfortunately, he won’t be visiting for Christmas this year. I love traveling for many reasons, one being the interesting people you encounter. I appreciated the Southern charm/hospitality, and the thick Georgia accents.…

Pre-Holiday Angst

The holidays can be a stressful time for many.  Society puts so much pressure on us to consume, purchase, and put on a happy face.  Does the thought of spending time with family make you nauseous? Perhaps, you, or someone close to you is ill, or has passed away this year?  When you reach a certain age, the…

Honor your Oldsters

Life is short and precious.  “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious life privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” ~ Marcus Aurelius I have always been one to honor my elders, especially my parents.  I love to talk to the elderly because of their…

Walking Meditation

  To perform meditation, you do not necessarily need to be seated in the lotus position. You can be cycling, running, walking etc. Walking meditation instructions: 1.  Take a few long, slow and deep breaths. As you exhale, let go of all tension I’ll let your attention flow deep into your belly, legs and feet.…

In a world of disconnection ….

  Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,Twitter Instagram, and Google+, etc.  Yes, there is some value to these social media platforms for business, but do we need them so much for our personal lives? I fear we are living in a world where real connections are a thing of the past.  Whatever happened to talking to people face…

Corporate Massage v. Independent Massage

  I have worked and have had massages in many different massage environments.  With few exceptions, and not just because I happen to be an independent massage therapist, I would choose an independent massage therapist over a corporate chain/spa environment. Here are just a few reasons why I choose and promote seeking an independent massage therapist.…

Thailand 2014

This year my vacation began with Asia, specifically Thailand: Bangkok and ChangMai.  Below is a snippet of some of the vacation. Bangkok was like any other big city in that it was crowded and the traffic congestion was terrible. What else can you expect in a country of nine million people?  Most of the time…