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Pre-Holiday Angst

The holidays can be a stressful time for many.  Society puts so much pressure on us to consume, purchase, and put on a happy face.  Does the thought of spending time with family make you nauseous? Perhaps, you, or someone close to you is ill, or has passed away this year?  When you reach a certain age, the holidays can often take on an somber tone, and sometimes become a time of year you dread.

As difficult as it may be, try and keep your head up. Here are my tips for getting through the holidays, or anytime you are going through a challenging time in your life.

Get out in nature.  Exercise.  Do Yoga.  Get a massage/facial/manicure/pedicure, or some other type of spa treatment.  Volunteer – be of service to others.  Surround yourself with positive people.  Read positive books, blogs, quotes.  There is so much negativity in the news, I don’t even watch it.  Try to limit your media – perhaps even consider a media fast.

If you’ve lost someone this year, I am sorry to hear that.  Why not begin a tradition to honor this person in some way at the holidays each year?

For me this year, it will be a very difficult one, as my dear Uncle Rudy (Mom’s younger/middle sibling) will not be with us for the first time this holiday season, and it will be yet another year without my Father.  Rudy’s high functioning special needs brother, David, who he cared for the last 20+ years, will also be coping with his absence as well. My dear Mother has been having serious health issues all year also, but fortunately is doing much better now.

Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, will be spent in Augusta, GA with my son.  I look forward to his infamous Thanksgiving dinner which I’ve only heard rumors and seen pictures of.  We had an Open House yesterday afternoon before I leave for GA at my uncle David’s (his request since he’s been living on his own with minimal help from a caregiver since mid-April  and is very proud of that fact!!) which I am excited about as well.


Whatever your plans are for the holidays, and whatever challenges you have dealt with during 2015, try and remain positive, hopeful, and above all else, remember to take care of you!