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My Blog

Once you become fearless, you become limitless.

Niagara Falls/Canada 2012

Niagara Falls/Montreal/Quebec and Toronto.   A wondrous 3-week vacation!  Stayed at some fabulous places through VRBO.   Ice wine in Niagara Falls region is to die for!  Met some beautiful local people (i.e., off the cuff, spent an entire afternoon with a local artist from Quebec in his gallery/home and three of his friends sharing a bottle…

The Many Benefits of Good Posture

I didn’t appreciate having a 3 inch growth spurt when I started high school.  I remember my Mom always reminding me to stand up straight and watch my posture. It took me several years to truly appreciate my height.   I now thank my Mom for helping me to be mindful of my posture. Here is…

Inspirational Blogs

I get my daily inspiration from various sources – my boyfriend, my parents,  friends, nature, Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, etc.  I also like to read certain inspirational/motivational blog posts on a regular basis.  Here are a few of my favorites:    

Traveling Without Low Back Pain

The main reason why people suffer from low back pain on long car rides is inactivity.  Our bodies are not meant to be immobile for long periods of time.  Our muscles need to move about, contract and stretch in order to remain functional.  Inactivity decreases blood circulation, waste removal and nerve conduction to the muscles…

Greece 2011!!!

Travel/having fun and sharing these experiences with others is where I like to spend most of my discretionary income.  What a blessing to spend 5-1/2 weeks in Greece!!  I could go on and on ad nauseum about all of the beauty and history that is Greece, or, better yet, recommend that you go there yourself…

Why Do I Get Painful Muscle Cramps?

  Here is a  very interesting article on the causes of muscle cramps: The article explains muscle cramps being caused by imbalance between nervous impulses, a sudden loss of electrolytes, and a poor training schedule.  

Tummy Troubles???

  Abdominal or stomach massage often gets overlooked in the overall benefit of massage, while there is little debate to the benefits of a full body massage. For adults as well as for infants and young children, massaging the abdominal area promotes digestion, alleviates gastric upsets, soothes the nerves related therein, and benefits the organs…

Runners: Gluteus Medius Exercises For IT Band Pain

The gluteus medius muscle is located in the upper part of the glutes, just below the hip bone (iliac crest).  The gluteus medius muscle is extremely significant in stabilizing our hips during exercise.  It is weak in most people and this weak point can be a major source of problems in the lower back, SI…