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Life is Too Short to Be Anything But Happy……


This has been an interesting month for me thus far.    Some conversations I have had during the month make me ponder, what makes a person happy?

Last week I had a client tell me her mentally challenged son was generally not a happy person.  I asked about any hobbies that he enjoyed or what brought him joy.  How sad to generally be unhappy in your life.  🙁

I also had another interesting conversation with a client that deeply saddened me.  She said her 90 year old Father told her he has only been happy ONE time in his entire life!! She then recounted this one beautiful memory from her childhood – a simple memory of being outdoors on a sunny day picnicking with just her and her father.    My client went on to say that sometimes her husband annoys her because he is so happy go lucky.   However, she said in the next breath that she was wished she could also be so happy.

How many of us in the world are unhappy?  How do you overcome being unhappy?

Life being what it is, we all go through challenging periods in our lives.  To get through a difficult period you need to remain positive and keep the faith that things will improve.  Be thankful for all of the things that you do have.  Remember that there are always others who are less fortunate.  Your attitude can alter any situation.  You also need to surround yourself with positive, upbeat people.

Thankfully, no matter what difficulties I have faced during my existence, my default emotions have consistently been happiness/positivity.  It doesn’t hurt that I have a job that I love and an amazing support system of  people in my life.  I also give thanks every day for the blessings that I have.

Some things that contribute to my happiness ( in no particular order):

1.  Strong support system

2.  Nature

3.  Wildlife

4.  Laughter

5.  Good food, premium wine, craft beer

6.  Travel

7.  Sunshine

8.  Exercise

9.  Good Health

10.  Animals

11.  Learning

12.  Making other people happy.

13.  Surprises

14.  Art

15.  Rafting

16.  Live Music, or music in general

17.  Children

18.  Interesting Conversation

19.  People watching

20.  Road trips

21.  Massage

22.  Power Naps

23.  Theater

24.  Hiking

25.  Cycling