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Be Thankful!

I inadvertently saw the first half of the documentary “Redemption” this weekend.  We had originally gone to see “Silver Linings Playbook”, but went into the wrong theater.  We were so engrossed with the documentary, thinking it was a short and just a prelude to the movie, we watched it for thirty minutes before realizing we were in the wrong theater.  Whoops!  The first half of Redemption was thought provoking, depressing and sad.  I had no idea “canning” (people who survive by collecting cans and bottles from bins and redeem them for money) was a way some people make their living or supplement their income.  One of these canners in this documentary used to work for IBM, another worked at the World Trade Center before it was destroyed.  Their story was heart wrenching.  I intend to watch the rest of the documentary soon.

No matter how difficult your situation is, be thankful for what you have.  There are so many less fortunate than you. My Mom always shares this quote from her grandfather, “I felt sorry for the man who had no shoes, until I saw the man who had no feet.”

For more information about the Redemption documentary: